Delivery methods
Express courier delivery
Express courier delivery
Delivery of goods in Kiev and the suburban area is carried out by the courier service of the Sanahunt online store.
Delivery of the ordered goods is carried out on the day of the order, or the next.
Pickup from the SANAHUNT store
Pickup from the SANAHUNT store
The order can be pick up from the Sanahunt Luxury Department Store:
Kyiv, st. M. Hrushevskogo, 8/16.
Mon-Sat: 10:00-21:00
Sun: 10:00-20:00
Please provide Your order number at the register of the store to receive an order.
Delivery across Ukraine by courier services.
Delivery across Ukraine by courier services.
Delivery across Ukraine by courier services is free of charge.
Delivery to a branch or by Nova Poshta courier to the address.
Delivery time is 1-3 days after order confirmation.
Delivery by Nova Poshta courier to the address is possible if the payment amount for the order does not exceed 50,000 UAH.
OUTLET delivery methods
OUTLET delivery methods
Courier delivery:
Delivery of goods in Kyiv and the suburban area is carried out by the courier of the Sanahunt online store.

Pickup from the Sanahunt store:
Orders can be picked up from the Sanahunt Luxury Department Store:
Kyiv, M. Hrushevskoho St., 8/16.
Mon-Sat: 10:00-21:00
Sun: 10:00-20:00

Delivery across Ukraine by Nova Poshta courier service:
Delivery of orders by cash on delivery with the courier service is charged to the customer.
With 100% payment of the order, delivery is free.
Delivery is carried out within 1-3 days after order confirmation. Orders are placed with the payment method "cash on delivery," and all transportation costs, namely: delivery to the recipient's branch, payment for delivery by money transfer, and the cost of return delivery in case of product return, are paid by the recipient.
Payment methods
By credit card
By credit card
- on the online store website;
- when delivering the order by courier in Kyiv and the suburban area;
- when picking up the order at the Sanahunt Luxury Department Store.
Cash payment
Cash payment
You can pay in cash provided that the cost of the goods does not exceed 50,000 UAH.

- when delivering the order by the online store's courier in Kyiv and the suburban area;
- when picking up the order at the Sanahunt Luxury Department Store. For customer convenience, there is a currency exchange point located on the first floor of the store;
- when delivering the order by the Nova Poshta courier service.
Cash on delivery
Cash on delivery
Upon delivery of the order in the amount of up to 50 thousand UAH in Ukraine (except Kiev and the suburban area), the Sanahunt online store accepts postpayment by COD.
You will be able to pay the order to the courier upon receipt or at the nearest courier service to which your order will be delivered.